Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Check out these new services at Global Sources Online

Check out these new services at Global Sources Online
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Global Sources
We've upgraded our website!

Thousands of buyers have given feedback and we've listened.
Dear Saepulloh Hidayat,

We've enhanced the Global Sources website to help you and all buyers find the right suppliers for your business faster and more confidently.
New! User-friendly filtering system
Sort search results more accurately. Narrow down your supplier list to fit your precise requirements with our new targeted filters.
User-friendly filtering system User-friendly filtering system
Visit our site now to source for the right supplier with greater ease.
New! Global Sources mobile site
Use your smart phone, tablet or other mobile device to access our specially designed mobile version of Global Sources Online. Send inquiries, get product updates, download free e-magazines and search for hot products from wherever you are.

More mobility. More information right at the touch of your finger. Start using our new mobile site today.
GSOL mobile site
New! Icon redesign
Know more about each supplier, at a glance. Our new "Supplier icons" let you instantly identify which suppliers exhibit at China Sourcing Fairs, participate in Private Sourcing Events, advertise in our e-magazines, offers Credit Check or Supplier Capability Assessments... and more.

Each of the redesign icons showcases more supplier-specific content when you mouse-over them. See additional information such as Trade Show History, Upcoming Trade Show and Online Sourcing Fair Booth Image of the supplier when you place the mouse cursor over the China Sourcing Fairs icon.
Icon redesign
Icon redesign Icon redesign
Visit our site now. Fine-tune your search for suppliers with the help of the new icons.

New! Supplier Alert updates
Buyers have told us they want to "follow" chosen suppliers. Now you can. This FREE service sends you e-mail updates whenever a supplier you are "following" posts new products, changes contact details or other information online. Follow your favorite suppliers. See which tradeshows they will be exhibiting at, what new products they're offering and more.

See hot new product offerings from your favorite suppliers. Get started today.
Supplier Alert updates
We value your feedback. In order to serve you better, please let us know how you feel about these new updates. And for any feedback you have to improve our Global Sources online website: service@globalsources.com
Wishing you the best of business,
Diane Hamilton
Diane Hamilton
Online Customer Services

Global Sources (NASDAQ-GS: GSOL)
Quality Buyers Verified suppliers
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