Sunday, September 08, 2013

Find the right suppliers and exclusive products

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Global Sources
Importers Guide to Global Sources Services -
easing you through the sourcing process!
Dear Saepulloh Hidayat;

Finding suppliers is not the problem - finding those who are trustworthy and deliver quality products consistently is the challenge. Global Sources offers a unique combination of online and trade show services to help you find the right suppliers.

At Global Sources we are committed to helping you identify the suppliers that are right for you - source quickly, confidently and conveniently from over 12,000 Verified Suppliers in China and across Asia. Importers Guide to Global Sources Services launches this month and details the multiple channels we offer to steer you towards the right suppliers - with 60% of the products from Verified Suppliers featured exclusively on our website.

We offer integrated solutions for your entire sourcing process - from discovering exclusive products and finding suppliers, to meeting them and placing orders.

See how we can help you source more successfully, all year-round! Download Importers Guide to Global Sources Services in English or Chinese now!

If you are unable to download the document, please go to our Buyer Support page.

Happy sourcing!

Wishing you the best of business,

The Global Sources Team
Importers Guide to Global Sources Services
Global Sources (NASDAQ-GS: GSOL)
Reliable Exporters: Find Them and Meet Them
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