Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Comm100 Newsletter: Evolution of Email Communications

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The #1 Fastest Growing Customer Service Software Follow Us!

Hi saepulloh,

Great News! To help you make the most of our products and grow your business, we are starting our email newsletters now. We will share with you some tips and articles on customer service, email marketing or sales every two weeks.

This is our first email newsletter. Hope you enjoy it!

The Story of Email Marketing: Evolution of Email Communications

It's always important to understand the history of something in order to understand why it's important! Learn about how email marketing evolved as well as the challenges of offline direct-to-consumer or direct business-to-business marketing communications that email marketing has provided a solution to.

Do you know

  • The "Birth" of the Internet is in 1991?
  • Hotmail is the first web-based email service?
  • How many people use email today?
  • How the email marketing came into birth?
>> Read Details

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Comm100 Live Chat Introduction Video NEW!

See what Comm100 Live Chat can do for you and what other users say about it. Watch video

Comm100 Help Desk Software

Quickly build a centralized online service portal; deliver 24*7 support & streamline customer service process. Learn more

The Benefits of Email Marketing Next Up!

Why is email marketing more cost effective than postal print mailings or telesales? Why does it drive better returns on investment and customer engagement metrics than other marketing techniques?

Stay tuned!

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